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Math Curriculum

Math Skills by Module

Most of the time we will complete the nightly homework within our daily lesson time, so please just go over the skills with your child on these days.  If we do not complete the assignment in class, it will be noted that it should be completed for homework and returned the next day.  

             Click on the following link to see the lessons and worksheets that we complete in class:


Overall Math Skills 

Counting to 100 by 1's and 10's, writing to 100, identifying numbers 0-20, and comparing numbers.

Number Introduction, Colors and Shapes


We will begin the school year with a unit on number introduction, colors and shapes.  This will help introduce students to basic math concepts to help build a strong foundation for the remainder of the school year.  We will learn numbers 0-20, cover all basic colors and basic 2D and 3D shapes.  We will also revisit these skills later in the school year.  

Module 1 

In module 1 we will cover the following skills: same/different, identifying numbers, counting 1:1 and identifying how many, writing numbers, fill in the missing number, counting the math way (starting at the pinky of the left hand and moving to the thumb of the right hand), five groups, one more and one less and telling the answer, counting down from 10 to 1.   

​Module 4 

​In module 4 we will cover the following skills: solve addition and subtraction problems up to 10 using objects or drawings and use number bonds to show different ways to make a number by recording the answer with a drawing and equation.  

Module 5

In module 5 we will cover the following skills: counting to 100 by 1's and 10's, count forward at any given number up to 100. write numbers 0-20, associating a number with that many objects, count to answer how many, understanding of tens and ones and compose and decompose numbers 11-19.

Measurement, Graphing, Time and Money


We will spend a few lessons on each of these skills to help expose students to these concepts for first grade.  We feel these are important life skills that everyone needs.  We will be doing some fun hands on activities and learning the basics of each skill.  

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